Ideal source includes an ideal voltage source and ideal current source.Source is a part of a field-effect transistor from which carriers flow into the inter-electrode channel.Battery is a container consisting of one or more cells, in which chemical energy is converted into electricity and used as a source of power.Cell is a device containing electrodes immersed in an electrolyte, used for generating current or for electrolysis.Earth electrode is a metal plate or other conducting elements of electricity partially buried in the earth to constitute and provide a reliable conductive path for the fault current to the ground.

Therefore, anyone who knows of electrical and electronic circuits can read, understand, and build electrical diagrams quickly. You can depict a complex electrical circuit with the standard and simplified electrical symbols. Whether you are a novice or a professional engineer, these basic symbols can help create accurate electrical and circuit diagrams in minutes. Basic electrical symbols contain earth electrode, cell, battery, resistor, etc.